1. Fever illnesses: Syrup or marmalade made from raspberry fruits is eaten.
2. Greasy skin: The leaf of raspberry is made lotion and skin is dressed. The raspberry leaf is steeped and sweetened with honey and drunk 2-3 times a day.
3. Eye ache: The leaf of raspberry is made lotion and applied to eyes.
4. Angina: Raspberry leaves are steeped, sweetened with honey gargled and drunk.
5. Convalescence shortening: If raspberry fruit, syrup or marmalade is eaten after the operations, it shortens the convalescence period.
6. Heart strengthening: Raspberry sherbet is a good hear strengthener.
7. Kidney colitis: Raspberry leaf is steeped and sweetened with honey and drunk when hungry.
8. Anemia: A big amount of raspberry fruit syrup, marmalade and jam is consumed.
9. Tuberculosis: It is beneficial for tuberculosis treatment to eat a big amount of raspberry fruit, syrup, marmalade and jam.
10. Dysuria: It is a good help in coping with dysuria to eat a big amount of raspberry fruit, syrup, marmalade and jam.
Raspberry is a kind of blackberry. Its marmalade is sold in the market and consumed during breakfast. It is a valuable fruit which facilitates kidney and intestines at the same time.